Homeless Socks
With every order placed on our website we send a shipment of homeless socks to one of the many shelters we partner with, all across America.
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and we’ll admit we’re not the first clothing company donating homeless socks to the needy.
We think it just makes good business sense to offer a helping hand to those who cannot help themselves. A community cannot thrive unless everyone takes part.
We are driven by values
When you are tasked with buying homeless socks for your community shelter the first question is cost. Budgets are tight, and there are so many demands for funds, you need to be sure your non-profit is getting the biggest bang for that very scarce buck.
We proudly offer the lowest prices on wholesale quantities, so you save on purchases of bulk socks for homeless communities, nursing homes, and other facilities that need donations. And remember, with every order placed we also donate homeless socks.
You see them beside the road, or on the sidewalk, holding a hand-lettered sign, asking for help. All their worldly belongings are piled in a shopping cart or crammed in a backpack.
A couple pairs of threadbare jeans, maybe a sweatshirt with frayed cuffs. Underwear and socks. Living on the street, walking long distances while looking for work, or seeking shelter, their socks get worn, get dirty.
When you give them a few bucks they spend it on food, not clean new socks. While buying a burger they may wash their feet in the bathroom, but then have to put dirty socks back on. A donation of new homeless socks means they are one step closer to getting a job, a place to live. One small step ahead for a company, one big step up for the needy.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” — Winston Churchill